Just a quick side note-

-I decided to take an introductory online course for SEO on udemy and I’m really enjoying learning again. It’s been eight and a half years since I was in a college class or had to really learn anything in earnest, outside of small, minor skills or trivia here and there.

But anyway! SEO is so far really interesting, because it’s kind of hitting that middle ground between “marketing for humans” and “learning how computers think,” which are both subjects I’m very interested in. Plus, it’s giving me a look at skills that I definitely will need and want to have for if/when I manage to start that business I’ve been thinking about starting. And even before that, I think it’s the kind of skillset that a lot of artists could definitely benefit from having both in regards to their personal brand and in gaining access to the types of valuable work that can be done remotely or as a single contracted gig.

I’m about 65% through the course itself (it’s 3.5 hours long, but I haven’t been able to sit through it all in one go due to various reasons) and I think that someone who has more experience with SEO would definitely be able to get through the whole thing in less than a day. But! For someone like me, who has zero prior knowledge or experience other than knowing what SEO is conceptually, having it in this form is really helpful- I’m able to pause it and rewind to take down more accurate notes, and giving myself time between the lectures is giving me a chance to review previous notes and try to look up answers to questions I had about some basics that seemed to be understood implicitly.

If you’re not like me and don’t have to take physical paper notes in order to hammer in the lesson though, this is the sort of thing you could do on your bed at any time of the day or night. It also looks like there are paid courses for the same kind of thing available, too- not sure if those come with an “official” certification or if, like the free course, there’s an “unofficial” certification you can get for them, or if there’s a real or major difference in terms of skill level/job attractiveness between the two. I’ll post a more full review along with a link to the course once I’m done!

KO-FI Art Reward Roundup!

A quick update! Thanks to my lovely ko-fi contributors, my original goal was met, so I’ve gone ahead and updated my page to reflect the new goal. At this time there are still about 2 weeks left for my “donate to my kofi and get a drawing” offer, so anybody itching to get $3 worth of drawing out of me should head there now and see about chipping in for the current goal!

Please note: “Six Sights” and all versions of the Six Sights Stan are from/inspired by A Thousand Natural Shocks by WDW/Dubs!

Inktober 2018 Roundup!

Well!! I did TRY to do Inktober this year, and I may pick back up again, but I severely lost interest after 6 days of mostly-faithfully following the prompts. Maybe next year I’ll have more free time and less general exhaustion, eh?

At any rate, here are the six that got done- theoretically, there could be more later? And of course, I have to make an update later containing all of the Ko-Fi rewards sketches I have done thus far!