Udemy Course Update!

So! I was able to finish another free course- this was an Excel Quickstart Tutorial Course, meant to really be a very quick and dirty absolute beginner’s course. I think it was pretty good- I don’t have Microsoft Office on my computer, because I have OpenOffice instead, and I wasn’t able to perform the quizzes in this course, but pretty good! I had used excel spreadsheets before at work, but extremely sparingly, and had done a lot of things manually and with a lot of errors that I had to then correct, also manually. This course made it pretty easy to see where I’d gotten it wrong, although I will probably have to use a tutorial or helpdesk the first few times I try to use it in a professional setting.

Since I have OpenOffice, I will also probably have to look up tutorials for people explaining how the two programs differ, but, I mean, it looks mostly the same, I just couldn’t figure out where certain things were.

Anyway! I have a cool signup link for Udemy again! It does benefit me by I think like $5 of Udemy credits per person who signs up for the first time using that link, but only for the first six people. I would be using those course credits to enroll in some of the coursework that is paid-access- since at this time Udemy isn’t accredited, I don’t feel totally comfortable paying for its services using real money. That being said, you might as well use it if you haven’t signed up for any courses before– there are a ton of free courses on a variety of subjects and I’m definitely going to continue using it just for the sheer joy of learning something even remotely useful or interesting.

Udemy SEO course by Moz review!

Alright well! Obviously with Halloween and various personal events and whatnot, it took longer than I expected to finish the course I mentioned, BUT:

Do I Recommend This Course: A Short Essay By Me, A Sharo

Yes actually! Okay, does it assume that you already know some basic, introductory-level terms and phrases and programs/services? Yes. I feel like a link to a glossary or even an Intro-to-Intro lecture explaining some of these basics would have been super useful, and since there wasn’t one I’ve basically been going back over my notes highlighting things I don’t immediately understand so I can research them on my own. A level-zero beginner like me should have probably looked for an even more basic course first- however, none of the content of the lectures was so incomprehensible that I couldn’t follow along with the concepts, despite having blank patches here and there. Somebody who’s even very slightly more educated than I am about this subject will not have this problem.

One thing that was a little confusing a handful of times was that they referenced rules, programs, or sites that might not apply anymore- some of this content is from as far back as 2014, and for a lecture series that mentions periodically that rules and practices are constantly shifting or changing, this is kind of disheartening. At one point they mention using Google Plus to see if somebody is a trustworthy subject matter expert like… come on bruh, haha… that’s not a sentence that aged well.

Is this all information that artists, especially artists with web-based businesses, can use? Yeah I think so! I’ve started making changes to this site based on the info in the lecture course, and while it’s too early to tell if it’s having the kinds of effects I’m looking for, I was hit with a number of ideas for ways SEO type info can help with future projects and business ventures. Is this course going to be the THING that gets your art out there in a way that actually means making the kinds of sales you’d need to survive AS an artist?

Hrm, we’ll see, of course. But here’s the link again, since it certainly can’t hurt to learn this info! As well, I noticed that when I finished the course, I got this thing that popped up that said I could get credits that could go toward paid courses (most of the courses on Udemy seem to be paid, but this one is free.) However, I did not do the thing that would have led to the free course credits, so, ahaha, maybe the next course I do will have that same popup and I can put the link here so people can sign up for other, similarly free courses through me. I’m actually enrolled in a couple other short courses right now, so we’ll see how that all goes!